Story, Story, StoryTime

Larry raised his head, his eyes became gloomy as he went down memory lane of how he started this conquest for power.

Larry was birthed from an unsanctioned relationship between his father and his mother. His mother was an extremely beautiful woman and a foreigner from a very rich family.

She went against her father's orders and got married to Larry's father but after they gave birth to Larry, his father lost his job and things got very hard for her—she left after she couldn't continue to get the luxurious things she used to have.

It was since then Larry swore not to feel anything for any woman.

Not long after that, his father died and so, he was left in the care of his grandparents. However, they made little to no effort to take care of him, he couldn't blame them because they were too old to take care of themselves, let alone add his burden to theirs. Hence, most of the workload eventually always fell on him.

He hated everything about life, he had a strange desire to destroy the wo
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