chapter 42

"Please," she interrupted, her tone brooking no argument. "Consider it part of our collaboration. You've been such a crucial part of this journey, and I want to ensure you're well taken care of. It's the least I can do."

He let out a small, conceding sigh, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Alright, Mrs. Sonya, I accept. Thank you," he replied, not like he had a home to return to now he had divorced his wife so he did not mind.


As Ryan gazed out of the hotel window, clad in nothing but singlets and shorts, he was struck by the opulence that surrounded him. The plushness of the room, the exquisite view it offered, and the overall atmosphere of luxury were far removed from anything he had experienced before.

The soft hum of the city below, coupled with the distant glow of the setting sun, painted a picture of serenity and indulgence.

A knock at the door momentarily diverted his thoughts. He rose and opened it to find a hotel attendant, neatly dressed in the hotel's u
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