Chapter 385: The End of the Creator (2)
The creator's eyes rolled upward, and he spotted Takisha standing on its neck. Takisha didn't waste a second to bite her teeth in the creator's throat. She grimaced at the vile taste filling her mouth. Considering this was supposed to be the creator possessing a human, she would have thought the blood would taste delicious. Instead, it was probably the most disgusting blood she had ever tasted.

Takisha wasn't even sure it was blood. Dirt tasted better than this. However, she focused on injecting her venom into the creator. A shadow loomed over her as the creator raised a hand to rush her. She didn't immediately run, and her faith was rewarded when vines and thorns wrapped around the creator's hand. Blood spilled from where the thorns pierced its skin.

Of course, this wasn't enough to stop it for long. The creator ripped free, but its attention had been successfully redirected to Mildred, who unleased several arrows in its direction before running. It deflected them and rushed to crush

Well, this is it everyone. I should be wapping everything up in 1-2 chapters. Thanks to everyone that's been supporting me so far. I'll post an author's note after the final chapter about future plans.

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