Chapter 18: Reseal the demon god III
Chapter 18


Stardust spread around the barrier (seal) protecting the planet.

The dark gold stardust fused with the barrier, albeit slowly.

Stardust is a special magic sand which is generated by only the fairies, the older the fairy the stronger the stardust.

This stardust was gotten from a fairy who has lived for over 2 million years and Hades was certain that with the stardust and vjiaria yoke binding chain incorporated the seal would be strengthened in order to deter the demon god from evading.

As the stardust fused with the barrier, making the previous transparent barrier suddenly twinkled with a dark golden colour.

The vjiaria yoke binding chain which was still in Hades' hand suddenly began shaking, the chain which locked the book was about to break as cracks filled it within a matter of seconds.


As soon as the chain broke, the book flew out of Hades' hand.

It floats right towards the barrier.

After reaching the barrier, the dark and gloomy light on the book sur
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