"In times of war, there must be consequences for actions taken," Bongan Rodbar's voice carried an air of authority as he addressed the captive commander. "You are responsible for the pain and suffering this invasion has brought upon these lands. And now, you must face the consequences."

"I was carrying out my orders!" The chief commander replied coldly, with a malevolent look at Bongan Rodbar.

Bongan Rodbar turned to Lord Mordian and Lord Barthine Loust, his eyes steady. "Gentlemen, as a symbol of justice and retribution, one of you may choose to deliver the final blow. The choice is yours."

A heavy silence hung in the air as Lord Barthine Loust exchanged a contemplative look with Lord Mordian.

Then, in a surprising turn of events, Lord Barthine Loust unfastened his own sword from his side and stepped forward, his eyes locked on Lord Mordian.

"Lord Mordian," he began, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity, "it is you who deserves this chance. For all you have done, and for what yo
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