Amidst the chaos, the spectral warriors led by Lord Barthine Loust and Gorloth charged into the heart of the Quanian forces with an otherworldly ferocity.

Their armor gleamed with an ethereal radiance as they clashed with the enemy, cutting through the Quanian soldiers with unmatched skill and precision.

The Bauthinian foot soldiers, who had been struggling earlier, were awestruck and filled with renewed hope as they witnessed the terrifying warriors with their haunting helmets fighting on their side.

Amidst the clash of steel and the cries of battle, the Bauthinian soldiers couldn't believe their eyes. "Who are these warriors and why do they wear such haunting helmets?" one soldier exclaimed in disbelief.

Another shouted, "We're not alone! They should be mercenaries hired by Lord Barthine Loust to help us defend our city!" The sight of these fearsome warriors turned the tide of morale, igniting a newfound fire within the Bauthinian ranks.

Gorloth, with his long sword and battleaxe,
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