End Of The Feudal War
I watched as Ignatius (Fire Elemental King) wreck havoc in what was supposed to be a battle,

His expression has anger written all over it probably because I forced him into a slave contract.

It is really not my fault,

All I did was summon an Elemental,

I had no idea that a Fire Elemental King,

the strongest of all fire elementals was going to be the one to answer my call.

He could have just refused and not heed to my summon

but apparently Elemental spirits are unable to manipulate a summoning ritual,

It is only until after being summoned that said Elemental can refuse forming a contract with the summoner.

Of course the summoner can make use of force to get the Elemental to do its bidding like I did but that would mean having a higher level of power than the Summoned Elemental spirit which is very rare,

I mean why would I want to summon something weaker than me in the first place,

If it was not due to my circumstances I would not have even tried summoning.

I think I might be overesti
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