The Battlefield

John looked at the space in front of him that was filled with soldiers from both sides.

The elves were mostly using bows and arrows. Many used close-combat weapons and also staff to buff their teams. It was a spectacular scene but on the other side, the orcs were filled with a gloomy aura that made John frown a bit. He also saw that those orcs seem to be overpowering the elves.

Seeing this he frowned and then looked into the orc's body with his Rinnegan only to see that the orc's vitality was being sucked off the black energy inside their body. But that death energy in return was also empowering those orcs making them double their strength.

So those elves were having trouble.

At this time someone said," Hey human if you have come to help us then come out and fight. If not then you can leave".

John looked at the person who spoke and was an elf. Seeing this he didn't comment as he knew that these guys were under a lot of pressure due to war.

So he replied," I will be participating in th
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