The news reported of a news channel was present there too as this was going to be and public trial and will be going to broadcast live all over the world so that everyone affected by this disaster could see what happens in the court, after hearing all the allegations the whole world listening it was glad that Shin will be sentenced to the life imprisonment and were cheering for it to happen.

To this crime of Shin he asked the judge for life imprisonment of Shin and a fair share of money as a penalty for what he had caused the people and the state combined, after the judge had hears the side of Prosecution.

The defence was given the chance to speak on behalf of Shin the accused, he stood up and told the court that

' Yes, i believe all the allegations Shin is accused of are true and he should face the judgement for that but if we should take a closer look at what the situation was there due to which Mr. Shin had to take those steps.

We will be ab
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