After receiving the message Riya was stunned as she was glad and angry on him at the same time, as she was glad he was alive but angry because he was surrendering.

The same situation was of Christa as she also told About this to the others and they had the same reaction.

After finding he was alive and what he was doing, Both of them were ready to fly over there and do something before things get out of hand but before they could even move out the news was telecasted of Shin the criminal who was the reason of the disaster in that place had been caught by the Police and was in jail now.

After hearing this news whole world and the people knowing them were all in shock for two reason, that he was alive and he was caught which they couldn't believe was true as they have seen him use powers.

Everyone who have been keeping tab on him had realised that he was the person in that video saving that girl, others who had been in the Little garden at the ti
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