High School Is A Jungle

"You are the boss." Someone unexpectedly spoke up and everyone turned to see Bella standing with her fist clenched tightly. She was watching everything that was going on and part of her was happy that Jinhoo was winning but seeing how cruel he is, she was forced to regret the little happiness she felt.

"Yes, you are the boss and we would all follow your lead, so can you please stop." She tried so hard not to let a single tear to drop. Jinhoo noticed the pain hidden in her eyes so it made him stop the pain he was giving Ji Hoon.

"He might be worse than Ji Hoon." One of the students muttered.

Jinhoo wanted to rush to Bella and console her and make her know that he is only doing this for the betterment of the students, but he couldn't because it would make him appear weak. He does not want anything to be used against him so he mustered every strength in him to smirk and make everyone in the classroom knows he is the boss.

"Class is about to start, you all should get ready. And as for yo
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