Meeting Detective Min

Jinhoo and the twins came across a container. The twins felt it would be great if they use it as a base. Jinhoo has told them his plans for living on the island. Since they also don't want to end up killing each other, they decided the best option is to join hands with Jinhoo. Jinhoo now know the tree he spent his night in wouldn't be enough to accommodate them, so he decided they find a base.

"This could make a good place to spend the night." John pointed at the container.

"Yes." James also accepted. He is tired of carrying the unconscious Hiro.

"The doors of these containers are remotely controlled by the people in charge of this game. What makes you think they can't decide to shut the door while we are inside? Are you confident you would be able to find a way out?"

Jinhoo's statement opened their eyes and they decided to keep moving. While all these things were going on, Eun Woo and Jessica were trailing after them. Eun Woo believes that Jinhoo is his ticket out of there while Je
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