Taking Out Geon

The arrival of Jinhoo has already reached Geon. He was thinking of what to do when he head the explosion. Fear gripped his heart for he never knew Jinhoo would have gotten past the pleasure quarters so fast.

"The gamblers den is burning." One of Geon's men came to announce.

"I can see that. The men there would stop him, but before them let's start Loading our money and go to a safe location." Another character flaw for Geon is his love of money. His blindness for money made him ignorant to the fact that Jinhoo started the fire to avoid fighting a lot of people.

Though many were concerned about the boss thy brought to gamble, Jinhoo still a handful of people he had to fight against. He kept pushing forward while fending off his attackers. Even with few men to fight, and the fire helping him, it took Jinhoo longer time to get past the Gamblers den.

After the Gamblers then, he went forward to the last chamber, and that is Geon's resident. By the time he entered, Geon was still packin
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