Second Chance as an Elf
Second Chance as an Elf
Author: Matthew

So this is how it's going to end right. I didn't think I was going to see my own life finished this way. Thought it was when I became old alongside my wife Alison Bradley, but that is no longer going to happen given where I am standing and about to do it soon.

Oh if you are wondering who I am or care to know my name to get a little understanding of who you could be listening to, well I am Dalton Hester. A guy that was living a nice life with a loving wife who should have left this world too soon, thanks to a certain person's fault and my own.

Honestly, if I knew what was going to happen back then, I might have prevented it maybe. Well, it is too late now since there is no way for a person to go back in time. Right now the only thing left for someone like me to do is drink and finish off this bottle in my hand.

Which will soon have to be before the cops find me and arrest me for what I did to get my revenge on the guy who took my Alison.

I took another drink from the bottle, the liquor was quite strong. I took it with me, probably hoping that there is a chance I won’t feel the pain when consuming so much to the point I am so drunk and unable to feel anything.

God how I wish to feel nothing even have these feelings taken away that are hanging about inside me, I want them gone.

I take another sip from the bottle to bring it closer to finishing. Why wasn't it just me to be one to die instead of my wife? That is a question I always thought about endlessly.

Even asked the guy being the one to have her killed, the answer I got from him was that he told me I was going to be paying for it. If I just didn’t take the case then Alison would still be alive yet I ignored not taking it seriously and thought the man to be another criminal to be sent away for the deeds of his sins.

Well, the guy got what was coming to him from me and in the end, shot him right between the eyes with the handgun I bought with my money. It was funny when all that happened and ended. I only felt a little bit of enjoyment from killing him, but afterward, the empty feeling inside came back fast.

The last drink from the bottle finished it where there now was no more to take from it as I threw it over the building I was standing up top of at the edge. Maybe that bottle would be able to hit someone walking on the street or driving a car anyway. The effects are doing their job on my body as I feel myself losing control.

I can no longer stand up straight and guess what I need as I use this body one last time to take a single step forward and feel myself feeling forward faster than I expected.

This is my end after everything that has been done. I am sorry Alison if it wasn't for me you could still have lived.

As I saw the bottom getting closer and closer darkness became the thing to only be looking at. This means that I no longer am alive and the next to do is wait wherever I will be going when a person dies.      


《Somewhere deep within a forest》

“Come now you are close as the child is near to being born.”

A female elf tells the other one who is in labor going through the process of giving birth for a new life to be born into their world.

Luckily the other elf woman lying on the bed has gone through this 3 times already bringing 2 boys and 1 girl into the world, now the 4 children have come ready.

Thankfully there were other female elves there to help the one in labor as one was holding her hand and another whipping away the sweet coming down her forehead. 

“Now then push with all you got do you hear me.” 

The female elf between the legs tells her as she does, giving all there is to give pushing straight within.

Grabbing hard onto the bedsheets and crying in pain while pushing where soon the sound either then comes the sound of a crying baby. A baby that was brought up in the arms of the female elf helping with the delivery from the start of it.

“Congratulations on the birth of a lovely, beautiful baby boy.”

This female elf brings the baby to its mother and places the boy into her arms where quickly she smiles and tears of joy come to fall from her eyes.

“Hello, there little one welcome to your new home and life here with your people. I can not wait for you to meet the rest of your family as well. They're going to be so happy to meet you, my boy.”

All the other female elves enjoy this moment in seeing one of their own bring in new life

At the moment the sound of the door opened where a male elf with dark black long hair.

One look at the female elf was long curly golden hair holding a newborn child in her arms. No doubt this male elf was the husband to this female elf given the way he reacted walking fastly to the bed and imminently giving a passionate kiss to his wife who happily accepted it and responded to it.

The others thought to leave the two alone to have privacy  with just them and when gone the male elf took the chance to break it off then place a hand onto her face while taking a look at the baby boy calming 

“Adraah tell me my love is it….”

“It is a boy, Utebarr, a healthy new boy.” Adraah cuts him off telling him.

“A boy you say how wonderful to hear may I.”

Utebarr asked and his wife welcomed it as she began to carefully pass the baby into his arms now. Once the baby was in his arms Utebarr raised the child to get a better look at him.

“I am overjoyed to meet with you my son as I welcome you.” 

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