Chapter 123 - Lily's Request

Yes, Henry would indeed find himself in dire financial straits if he were to stand by his words from some time ago, opting to sell the mansion in Alexandria for charity and giving away his late father's entire inheritance to charitable causes.

Wouldn't that be akin to suddenly plunging oneself into poverty overnight?

Observing the disbelief etched on the guests' faces, Lily took it upon herself to reinforce Henry's declaration.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Henry and I have grown accustomed to living without great wealth. And, to be honest, we're perfectly content with that. We've discovered that our love and loyalty flourish even more in less affluent circumstances. Even if we do aspire to regain wealth, we want it to be earned through our own efforts."

Though not entirely convinced by Lily's words, the guests found themselves inclined to offer a standing ovation as a gesture of politeness. Deep down, they harbored suspicions that Henry and Lily harbored ulterior motives behind their unconv
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