Pointless Inquiry

In a small building complex, very close to the Sunny Field Market, was the local police station coupled with a fire station and a small courthouse.

Unlike larger cities, where you’d find them separated and imposing their position, this small complex served as a multifunctional beacon of enforcement and reliance for the town.

I prepared myself for what I would ask as I pulled into the parking lot. Sometimes, we can get the most profound answers with the simplest questions. It’s human nature to share, boast and be informative, and to sound important and knowledgeable.

I grabbed a pad of paper and a pen before getting out and opening one of the double glass doors to the sheriff's department. A bell jingled when I walked in and up to the front desk, much like Sunny Motel's desk. However, behind it, the room was open with several desks holding computers and at the back, behind a glass partition, was the sheriff's office.

“Can I help you?” a woman said, standing up from the desk.

I no
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