Chapter 116

Chapter 116

"Hey, you!!" A loud voice uttered pointing towards her as she turned her face in the direction of the voice.

"Huh…!!" Those were the only words she uttered as her heart shook when she knew she was the one being called.

"Come with me!! The voice commanded and Leah could feel her legs already tickling to get going before something happened to her.

She could feel waves of shivers through her spine. As though it was her fate, her heart pounded like this day would be her last.

She rose from where she had sat and tried to clean herself up but there was simply no time for that as the man quickly grabbed her arm ferociously and moved her in the direction where she had seen them take Mike.

Now it was getting scary and she could not bear this on her own. She tried to be calm as they approached the area in the yard where there were no lights, and the closer they moved in the more there was a noise up front in the building ahead of them.

"Where are you taking me?" Leah voiced out afte
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