The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Chapter 10- The Valley of the Shadow of Death


For the first time in my life, I truly feel powerless.

It had been many hours since the start of the battle between Will and the horde of guardians.

This horde was much smaller in number than the previous one. There were only ten thousand at most in this one, were as the previous horde had hundreds of thousands, if not more.

Unfortunately, it seems the difficulty was inversely proportional to the size. This small horde was far more difficult than the previous one. Not just because these wolves were stronger, but more importantly, because they were far more intelligent.

When they attacked, they did so with order and near perfect teamwork. Unlike their predecessors, these enemies knew how to use their numbers, and their abilities well.

They always attacked in groups of threes. One would attack with a barrage of wind blades; each one compact, powerful and well placed, then another guardian would attack from the opposite side with its claw
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