the telephone at the dinner table

On the fifth day at the Agler residence, Alana woke up earlier than usual. The girl opened her eyes feeling quite relieved. Alana had not felt this feeling in a long time. Feeling carefree and disappointed. Maybe because what Alana has been asking all this time already has an answer.

He also sleeps better without the nightmares that have often been present in the past five years. One move with Junior is done. He was satisfied with all the questions he hung over the years. Now it's just how Alana arranges her heart.

He opened the bedroom door. The morning air immediately greeted her making Alana smile even wider. He loved it, especially staring at the wide, green expanse of Agler's lawn. The woman decided to take a shower after welcoming morning in a few minutes.

Alana walked towards the kitchen. The intention is to make breakfast for the whole family. As long as the woman was there, Alana only helped with the dishes. He felt guilty for his impolite attitude. he needs more work to 'pay
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