Chapter 13 (part 2)

Seeing her sudden shift from playful to semi-serious pout stopped Trust, his lips pulling into a tamed smile and agreeing not to bother her new “scar.” Moving beside her, he pulled out a few notes, told her that they’re in the same classes again except for their free period since he’s joining club activities non-stop. At least, that’s what he plans.

Betts continued to finish her lasagna. Her video paused. Before long, their conversation turned into a full-blown gossip bash when Trust told her the few students in their school who are new to her eyes and old to her sanity’s sake. Most of the students in their school often knew each other, belonging in the same preparatory levels or one other way, like neighbors with inevitable familial friends.

“Hold up,” she said to him. “I need to take my meds. Pain is starting again.” Ending her words with a frown.

“Right, pausing at the new couples and broken-up

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