Side Story: Nails on Coffee (part 5)

Dirt between a child’s feet is harmless if the pavement it lands on is speck free of any obstacle that could harm them. By the time they surface through the years of their toddler years to the age nearing ten, the callous they’ve collected would have broken and bled out to toughen their skin. It was something that Imago found their internal selves completely devolving into an infinite sense of pity and profound desire to help them.

That’s why several times in the day, to occupy half their time in town; Imago set out to observe the children, which ended up being their form of charitable conscience. Through teaching a few children the value of a shoe or the concept of dressing themselves for the day. The number of children in the slum area of the town was a surprise Imago imagined but never expected to achieve in the slightest.

Being met with such a reality felt like a breath of fresh air that they could not manage to comprehend but are willing to be in

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