End and New Beginning

Tejasv and Daemon both had aloof and nonchalant expressions on their faces as if nothing of concern happened in those few fractions of seconds when some arrows took out those fearsome monsters with ease.

Noticing the piercing gazes of the robed duo, Tejasv waved his hands to them smoothly with a soft yet incomprehensible smile. He steps forward towards the duo with his arms relaxed, to drop the

tensions in the ambience.

The robed duo unaware of the situation cautiously took a stance and firmly fixed their weapons to strike back if necessary to which Tejasv didn't respond either positively or rebelled. He knew his team may seem suspicious to an outsider in such a bloody and ruthless world.

On the other hand, Tejasv considered the behaviour and comeback of the duo normal and even better than some blinded people, who would regard others as a saviour after only first glance. To be prepared and counter, these are the basics to survive in most circumstances.

Tejasv reigned his steps a few
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