"Kevin is into drugs secretly." Mickey said and she suddenly burst into laughter.

Vanessa could not believe her ears that she had opened the door for him just to listen to this nonsense that he was spewing. He looked so serious that she found it really pitiable that he was trying his hardest not to give it away that he only wanted to be near to her.

"Listen, Mickey..." She began.

"Go on." He responded knowing fully well that she was already taking his words for granted.

"If you think a little baseless lie about Kevin would make me get back together with you then you are lying." She said to him.

Mickey raised his brow as he found her being funny right now. It was his turn to laugh heartily like he was going to fall off his chair and she found it really confusing as to the reason why he was being this way right when she was considering asking him on a date. She already had her own surreptitious female plans going on in her head as to getting Kevin back and that would provide be includi
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