Gabe hesitantly walked forward. Claire didn’t seem to be in a good mood, after all.

(Is she really my opponent?) Gabe didn’t feel good because he didn’t fight a woman before. How was he supposed to fight a beautiful girl like her? This felt like too difficult of a task for him. “Uh, Ms. Claire? What are you doing here?”

Claire didn’t want to directly admit that she was waiting for him. “Just wasting my time, that’s all.” She stood straight now. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”

“Huh?” Gabe looked a bit confused. “Why?”

“Well, your opponent this time is someone really famous,” Claire said. “It’s obvious that UTS doesn’t want you to win 50 matches in a row.”

“W-Who’s my opponent? Is he ranked above 1 million?”

“1 million?” Claire shook her head. “No, he’s ranked above 10,000,” Claire’s response sent a chill down his spine.

“T-Ten thousand?” Gabe’s mouth opened wide. “H-How could they put me against someone ranked so high? How is this fair?”

“Well, I think they’ve taken everything y
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