The dragon hovering over them lunged forward, Khalodi was flexible and skilled. He pushed them to the opposite direction while backflipping swiftly. The arrows passed his head ‘phew phew’ before he landed. Before they knew it, it was a sunny day. He dragon first tanned the skins but before giving them a hot bath. Zamorah didn't delay, he swiftly charged forward with anything that he picked first he used to define and smite the enemy.

Khalodi had tried but it wasn't enough to save Rafi. One of the arrows caught him, this time in a place that he would have to lose the battle to death, his neck. He laid down in throbbing pain, there was no coming back whatsoever from this battle, death had won the battle over this life.

Swiftfox was lucky, only a flesh wound on her arm as she struggled to safety watching the warriors exchange blows and iron clanging sounds reverberating the castle walls. She squeezed her arm and rolled under the dinning table.

Zamorah, a man you could rely on when it w
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