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By: CHRISTYN4 OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 981

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She was wanted and fugitive from those she offended and the law however she didn't remember doing any crimes. She searched for the truth by fighting criminals and revealing mysterious secrets. "Do you believe... you are the Scupper?" She raised the question to her reflection "Scupper, a terrorist that's what they say. You killed countless people... are you such a person?" She gave a long stare in the mirror and eventually replied "No" For some reason, the answer lightened her heart however the good moment didn't last when she frowned "But I know you are a murderer" The reason she never protested being a scupper was her doubts. She knew better than anyone her instincts always alarmed her to attack and whenever she tried was an easy thing to do. For such a being not be allowed to die surely the heavens played a joke to her. 'Alright, you should live. No matter what survive!' "It's hard pretending a good person..." she said to herself and her expression hardened "When you're not. Let's find how much the world lied to you, Lijun"

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24 chapters
1. The False Tears
Opening my eyes the first thing I saw was darkness which gave me shivers especially the fact hands and feet tied on the chair I sat. if I remembered correctly, I was in the hospital and gained consciousness after three months in a coma. The day I woke up the realization hit me harder like thunder the fact I lacked the answers about myself. I couldn't recall anything. What could be worse than that? I remembered the doctor who told me , I might have abnormalities among my senses even if would not show up now slowly I would start experiencing those problems. He didn't have to try so hard to explain because at that time I had already noticed such changes in my body. In the dark, steps slowly approached me. When the steps got closer the torch lightened up and I had to close my eyes from sudden light exposure. When I adjusted I lifted my eyelids to the person. He was a young man, less than twenty years maybe, with amazing looks with his long auburn hair looking at me with a murderer's
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2. A Monster
Was that not enough to understand my situation? If I wouldn't help myself then no one else. At the deck were five mascular men nonchalant watched me being dragged by my shoulder. Fine, I was the one who had her you deep sh*t so you should talk business with me unless you want her dead then kill me! The guy impatient one, wrong move and I was dead. The veins on his forehead and everyone took a guess what was to happen. However, I only watched him. Reaching the end of the deck he asked "Where is she?!" "You shouldn't be asking that. What I want? Isn't this a right phrase?" A dark look crossed his face then he let go of me. I could tell he didn't find me a threat because I was a cripple. My legs had been weak since I regained conscious. "Celine is fine if that is what you're worried. If am being honest I can't guarantee how long it will last" His patience ran low his hand moved and gripped my nake to the edge of the deck and hang my head to face the water. I felt the cold bree
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3. The Crossfire
I am not sure how long has been opening my eyes, I am sleeping on the seat. I abruptly get up and sit when the hint hits me that I am here unwilling and have no idea what's going on. I glance around and notice I'm in the car at the rear seat and outside is the dark sky. Moving my eyes to the driver a woman with blue hair paying attention to the road as if I don't exist. I bet she is the one who dragged me. But how? Who is she and why?"Where are you taking me?""To my boss" a woman replies unworriedLooking at her closer then do I understand who is she. She dyed her hair but her face and voice are the same. This is crazy! "Aihan!"She gazes at me through the rearview mirror and adds"I promised to help you didn't I?"Help my a*as! We never promised each other and everything according to her plans. "This may work in your favor. She knows everything about you including the one behind your accident. I'm talking about Nayan"My heart skips from the unexpected information. Since the day I
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4. Blood Sisters
I arrive at the murder scene or shall I say a place where we lost track of Lijun. It angers me just thinking about her.Five empty cars are destroyed by a rain of bullets and fifteen bodies are carried away with an ambulance. Aihan, I can't believe I didn't suspect her till was late.The other five bodies are people who pretended to be officers and the rest are actual officers. I can tell how tense the war was here and the essence was Lijun who is missing at a scene including that nurse.I underestimated her to make such a gamble. I'm such a fool. During those months with her, and how she well behaved I doubted if what I knew was the actual truth. Whoever thought Lijun's trick was to lay low and wait for us to lower our guard. She even manipulated a nurse.I will find you. Hide however you can but I Bai Yanran will find you wherever you are.There are many people here including reporters and the same time an astonishing sports car parking nearby which catch all the attentions even min
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5. He Owes
I open my eyes and the first thing I see is darkness and the deadly silence. Everything gives me shivers especially the fact hands and feet are tied on the chair I am sitting. if I remember correctly, I was in the hospital and recently gained consciousness after three months in a coma. The day I woke up the realization hit me harder like thunder the fact I lacked the answers about myself. I couldn't recall anything. What can be worse than that?I remember the doctor who told me , I might have abnormalities among my senses even if will not show up now but slowly I will start experiencing those problems.He didn't have to try so hard to explain because at that time I had already noticed such changes in my body. Oh Aihan efforts and here I am. Where am I?In the dark, steps slowly approach me. When the steps get closer the torch lights up so I have to close my eyes from sudden light exposure. When I adjust I lift my eyelids to see the person.The tall man in a heavy coat and black suit
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6. She Wants Death
He makes steps to stand closer and crouches to match my height "Among all here only I can save you and your answers will decide ..."He is right even I can see but I don't have any answers so I grab his hand and tears roll down my cheeks. I can see him taken aback but I cling letting my tears show the hidden pain which keeps eating me alive."I'm scared. I don't know what happening to me. I don't remember anything and only to find am a murderer wanted to that. You are the only one who can help me..."He watches me for seconds then he raises his hand to my facial skin wiping the tears. I flinch from his action but I let him do what he is doing. "You don't have to use false tears at least to me, Riley"My cry cut and watch him with disbelief. I have a glimpse he may know me but not enough to see my acts. I used this talent of mine a lot in the hospital and worked even with that annoying detective Yanran.Damnit! This was about to get easier now I have to try harder. Riley? Must be the n
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7. A Murderer
When I jumped I wasn't sure to survive and I didn't want to. I had those thoughts since the day I regained consciousness with empty memories to find everyone wishes for my death.Let me make this clear, I don't mean to die to leave the world hell no, why I shall die and not them. I want them to think I am gone while I am somewhere breathing.However, opening my eyes to find myself not in a lake my thoughts return to Celine's brother and Immediately I jolt from bed. That guy for some reason becomes my nightmare.The room is made from wood and shabby and looking around I see a figure sleeping on the floor his back facing me. It can't be him. Whoever he is must be the one who brought me here. "Why don't you leave me alone!" I shout with angerWhat this guy wants from me. He hates me and wants me dead can't he let it happen?"You don't deserve to die... nor live" says the man with auburn hair getting up. He is too rough as if he came from war with his messy hair and rugged clothes however
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8. Someone She Needs
"What?! Going to the village?! Are you f*cking out your mind?"This brat sometimes forgets who I am. How can he suggest visiting the village with my face as a flag. He will do fine but not me. He frowns "You planned to remain here till the world forget about you? I thought you were smart"Ha! I can't believe this brat. "The earlier we leave the sooner we arrive before evening"The village is far from here will he carry me till we arrive? I feel something strange. I can't remember what kind of life I lived but I realize I can sense something without a need of eyes. Using my hearing I hear sounds of footsteps approaching nearby. No, there are people outside.I put my finger on my lips to shut Lian and I give him gestures which popping naturally about what danger is outside.He doesn't make a move and I can tell he is dumbfounded about the meaning. The sound of a gun is enough to shut us and worse the house do not have a chamber to hide so what left, we lay on the ground. Wait, don't
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9. Higher Rank
Four months ago At the mid-level restaurant is where I got a part-time job and today the second day. Someone can't know how precious it is till he wears my shoes. As an orphan who expelled from school and attended juvenile getting a job is a miracle. I don't remember working this hard just for the end month salary. The moment I am cleaning a table my eyes glance by chance through the window and spot a stunning supermoto parked outside. I wish I could have something... No Lian this isn't your time to envy others. You are only 19, two years later you will not be at the same place and then you will have one.Keeping such thoughts I run to serve a customer. "Enjoy your food" I give a fake smile which I practiced for the customers as I put the food on the table Her fingers halt and raise her eyelids to me. She is a young woman in her twenties, wearing a short black jumpsuit with her hair in a ponytail. She has a stunning and large brown eyes but I can't bear to stare at them for second
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10. Dangerous Person
I hate the idea of remaining in the hospital so in the evening I left and all the time the thought about what happened to Celine bothered me.I arrive at the street where not too far is my apartment. But only after passing the corner a hand grabs my collar and pulls forcefully to throw me on the ground. I move my eyes to the man who pushed me to find a young man with extra fat and a tattoo on his bald, Crap! he found me. He let out a puff of smoke and step forward."Damnit. I almost thought was a wrong address" Says he "Was it six months? I spent days and days in that boring place hoping for a day like this..."The man takes a cigarette and puts on my face near my left eye and I remain nonchalant.He grins devilishly "You don't feel pain. I was curious of your body limit anyway!"He is right. I have this abnormal condition which makes me unable to feel pain. Even if someone has to chop my hand now is like my hand has never been with me to begin with. I met with the man at a juvenile a
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