Chapter 11: "What do i need to do to stop him?"
Con didn't feel like himself for the rest of the day at work. Almost everyone noticed but they decided not to say anything to him about it.

What he had done was brave and foolish at the same time, but it was also extremely cocky. Not at all the sort of thing that a security guard would do, especially when he was so low ranked.

Con had proven his value though so everyone just stood back and let him sulk. They had all watched him break a man's jaw with a punch, and they had seen the people that had come to threaten their boss flee and rush their goon to the hospital.

They had also seen the boss invite Constantine into her office so there was every possibility that he had gotten reprimanded for what he had done.

That was probably why he was so gloomy.

Con sighed and sat down under the tree he had been eating lunch earlier. He had a slight frown on his face and he looked deep in thought.

What Adeline had said was true.

He had just put everyone here at Nurain in danger.

Jake Caswell
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