Dinner and Temptation

"Have a seat. Let's eat first. I hope you enjoy the meal I've prepared," Charlotte said.

"You prepared all this? Did you cook it yourself?" Tony asked.

"That's right. Quite impressive, isn't it?" Charlotte replied, winking and giving a slight smile.

Tony didn't respond, just observing everything on the well-decorated dining table.

Charlotte pulled out a chair for him to sit on, gesturing for Tony to pull out his own chair.

With a puzzled expression, Tony did exactly as Charlotte did. When their eyes met, his aunt's age woman gave him a meaningful thin smile.

"Let's eat while the meat is still warm," Charlotte said.

Before them were slices of smoked beef emitting an appetizing aroma.

Tony happened to be quite hungry, so his stomach responded—rumbling.

"Help yourself. Or shall I serve you?" Charlotte asked.

"No need," Tony replied, helping himself to the slices of smoked beef onto the empty plate in front of him.

As he did so, he noticed Charlotte making a movement that slightly opened
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