chapter eighteen

As the energy surged through me, I felt a strange transformation overtake my body. It was as if every cell was vibrating with newfound power, and I could sense a connection to something ancient and primal. I groan, feeling my body transform into something different. "What is happening to me?" I shouted in pain.

"I don't know, but whatever it is that is happening to you, you need to fight it," Aurora replied, her voice showing she was worried.

The atmosphere was tense as I landed on the floor without moving. "Is he dead?" one of the demons asked, walking closer to me. I opened my eyes suddenly and felt a surge of energy run through my body. Without wasting time, he slammed her to the floor and had the demon subdued and sent back to the abyss.

Stephan's laughter echoed through the building as he witnessed my transformation. "Well, well, it seems we have a little surprise here. That was unexpected.," he jeered, his eyes glinting with curiosity and malice.

Derek, still struggling to sta
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