Two days later at the kingdom of Emelan, one of the soldiers ran to king Roland immediately.

"Your Majesty." He called.

"What?" King Roland asked.

"There is a group of soldiers right outside the gates of Emelan." The soldier reported.

"And who could that be?" King Roland asked.

"They are from Avalon your Majesty." The soldier replied.

"What!!!" King Roland exclaimed.

"What should we do your Majesty?" The soldier asked.

"What does Brandon wants from me this time?" King Roland asked angrily looking at his wife Carly.

"Should I send them in?" The soldier asked.

"My king, I know you're angry with the people of Avalon." Carly said and continues. "Let's just hear what they have to say."

"What's the point of opening the gates Carly?" King Roland asked angrily and continues. "Where were they when we needed them the most?"

"Please my king, let's just hear what they have to say, okay." Carly pleaded.

"Send them in." King Roland orders angrily.

"Yes, your Majesty." The soldier replied and left
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