17 ratings


By: BLACK QUEEN CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 136 views: 4.3K

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Dave, a housekeeper and an ordinary delivery guy was humiliated in front of everyone and treated like a trash bag. He almost gave up after his wife cheated on him and when his wife's family kicked him out from their house. He went out to gather money to pay his father's hospital costs when he encountered a middle-aged man who revealed his true identity. He isn't the same poor Dave that everyone used to know; perhaps he is the president's hidden successor.

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  • Lakshmi Prasanna


    The synopsis itself is making me drool over this book...added to library and gonna read it soon

    2023-07-31 15:29:16
  • Bella Starr


    A very intriguing book and highly recommended. A big thumbs up to the author:)

    2023-07-21 22:18:37
  • Kelvin Clyde


    I love this... why the hell would you do this to ur son inlaw

    2023-07-21 04:59:48
  • AkiLucky AkiLucky


    that mother-in-law is lucky I'm not a part of the story. I want to see how Dave grows as a character

    2023-07-14 23:41:07
  • Joyce Emma


    Breathtaking! I really love the way the story were written. Nice and it worths every bit of your time, reading. Well done, Author!

    2023-07-13 06:39:21


    Masterpiece! I feel sorry for Dave. But then I feel Madam Charlotte tone is soft, rather than being harsh as she was described. Nonetheless, it's a great book. Keep it up.

    2023-06-28 19:33:44



    2023-08-10 04:00:59
  • Johnson


    this is a great book

    2023-08-07 14:42:57
  • Barbie _o


    please update more, 1-50 now

    2023-07-31 16:49:40
  • Barbie _o


    Nice story,keep it up!

    2023-07-31 16:48:45


    wow what an interesting concept ... surely gonna give it a shot keep the good work author ...

    2023-07-21 20:55:26
  • Queen jasmine


    so hooked, nice storyline

    2023-07-21 04:08:03
  • Flower spirit


    Vet interesting plot, Great son-in-law story. Highly recommend.......

    2023-07-20 17:45:35
  • Favour Wright


    more update please!

    2023-07-20 03:45:21
  • Angela


    Already got hooked author! please update more

    2023-07-20 00:16:22
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Latest Chapter
136 chapters
Chapter 1-"Cheated on me"
After what felt like eternity,Dave finally got back to the office and laid his head tirelessly on the desk.The boss,who was always fond of insulting Dave, came out of his office and threw Dave's monthly salary at him.He stared at him with a smirk and cleared his throat."Take this to hold your breath; I've noticed that you're not active with the delivery work. I do not want to see you near my company again.""But sir...""Shhhhhh, shut up before I take the money back from you."The manager interrupted Dave's speech and asked him to leave."100$?" Dave screamed and looked at the money."How much do you think I could give?"The manager shouted at him with a snarl."At least half the payment will be okay; this is not enough."Dave said it in a worried way and took a look at the money in his hands one more time."This is the last time I'm saying this. Get lost from my sight.".The manager yelled at Dave, and he walked away with the 10 dollars in his hands.He had been delivering items f
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Chapter 2- Poor man!
Chapter two"You called me Mom." Dave said it in a polite way and stood behind Madam Charlotte's chair."You better get out of my sight and get yourself busy in the kitchen." Madam Charlotte yelled, and Dave stared at her in a confused way. Was he not done with what he was supposed to do?"I guess you're now mature enough to keep standing there after my mom tells you to leave her sight". Emily, Madame Charlotte's elder daughter, retorted.With trembling hands and a heavy heart, Dave made his way back to the kitchen until he felt like getting back to Amelia's room.As he entered the room, the sight before him shattered what little hope remained. There they were, still in bed together, Amelia and the man. A pang of disrespect pierced his chest, and anger mixed with hurt surged through his veins again.Nelson, oblivious to the pain he had caused, began to mock and laugh at Dave again. The laughter echoed in his ears, a cruel symphony of his shattered dreams and broken trust."I thought th
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Chapter 3- "Young master."
Chapter three"Better get something and do it as a man, or else your dad is going to lose his life."Those words kept creeping into Dave's mind.Dave stood outside the jewelry shop, clutching the special watch that his father had given him.He felt a mix of sadness and desperation as he contemplated parting with the cherished gift.His father's hospital bills had been piling up, and they had reached a point where he had no choice but to sell the watch to cover the expenses."I can't afford to lose my dad."He muttered to himself and walked towards the jewelry shop.With a heavy heart, Dave entered the shop, the doorbell chiming softly as he stepped inside.The jeweler behind the counter looked up from his work, his eyes narrowing as he saw the watch in Dave's hand. Something seemed amiss."Good afternoon, sir," Dave said, trying to maintain a calm demeanor despite the nerves that were tightening his stomach. "I would like to inquire about selling this watch."The jeweler's eyes darted
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Chapter 4-"5000million dollars!
Chapter 4"5000 million dollars?"Dave said stunningly."You're a rich young man.I think you can pay for your caretaker's hospital bill now."The shopkeeper said with a beam."Yes, that's where I'm heading too, and afterward, I will meet my real Dad."As Dave and the shopkeeper made their way through the streets, a few individuals couldn't resist the urge to voice their judgment. Mocking comments and sneers followed them, questioning why the shopkeeper would associate himself with someone dressed in tattered clothes like Dave. "Why are people staring at me? Did I do something wrong?"Dave muttered to himself.Their words echoed in the air, creating a momentary cloud of discomfort. Dave, however, remained undeterred by their taunts.Turning to the shopkeeper, Dave offered a reassuring smile. "Ignore their comments, my friend," he said softly. "Let their words pass by like the wind. We know the truth of who we are and what we stand for."Amidst the mocking comments, a young woman appro
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Chapter 5- Is that not Poor Dave?
Dave took a deep breath, preparing himself to respond to his ex-wife's cutting remark. He was about to assert that he wasn't a sweeper and that he had every right to be in the expensive hotel when an unwelcome interruption occurred.His ex-wife's husband strode over to the table, wearing a smug expression that signaled trouble."Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The boyfriend sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "How did you manage to sneak your way into this fancy hotel, Dave? If you're here, you must be a worker, right? Maybe a janitor or a doorman?""Is that not poor Dave? The one my angel was once married to?"Yes, that's him. Good for nothing, man."Nelson said this and laughed."Remember respect, please? Dave said.How can I respect someone who can't even bother to dress appropriately for a fancy hotel?His ex-wife joined in, adding her own mocking tone to the chorus. "Oh, absolutely! I heard they were hiring sweepers, and who better than you, Dave? You always excell
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Chapter 6-Pay the bills!
"Get to the table and arrest that silly man over there." The manager commanded, and the guards walked angrily to Dave's table.Dave felt the weight of the situation as he stood surrounded by guards, their stern expressions making him feel trapped. The manager approached him, his face filled with skepticism and suspicion."Is it true that you can't afford the wine you bought? Are you faking it out here?"Dave's face flushed with indignation at the accusation. He took a deep breath and looked the manager straight in the eyes."Young man,who allowed you in here?". The manager shouted at him."Waiter ,"Waiter! He yelled again, "Yes, boss,the waiter came quickly without wasting time."Why did you allow a beggar in here?" Are you giving him the wine for free?"The manager shouted at the waiter, and he stood there in a confused way."This man is here to fake things; just look at him and see if he can afford this wine.""That's not true at all. I can pay the bills. I'm not faking anything."Th
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Chapter 7- Black diamond card.
"Liar, just pay and stop the noise, Dave". As Nelson continued his mockery, his voice dripping with disdain and contempt, Dave felt a surge of anger rise within him.How could someone be so callous and cruel? Nelson's words cut deep, but he refused to let them break his spirit.Meanwhile, the manager, who had been observing the unfolding events with growing curiosity, couldn't believe his eyes when Dave revealed the black diamond card."Oh my goodness,the black diamond?"The manager stunningly said that his initial skepticism vanished,replaced by sheer astonishment."This was no ordinary card; it was a symbol of immense power and influence, a card that only the president's family possessed."The manger said!Nelson, oblivious to the significance of the card, commanded the guards to beat Dave.But before they could carry out his orders, the manager intervened, his voice filled with authority and a hint of anger."Beat that stupid man to death, guards. What are you waiting for?"."Enough
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Chapter 8-True identity.
"How dare you, manager!" Nelson spat, his face contorted with rage. "You think you can defy me? I will make sure you pay for this!"The manager, though shaken by Nelson's threatening demeanor, stood his ground, refusing to cower before the belligerent man."I won't be intimidated, Nelson," the manager responded, his voice laced with a hint of defiance."You may have influence, but I have integrity. I will protect my staff and uphold the dignity of this establishment."Dave, taking in the escalating tension, felt a surge of determination within him. He knew that Nelson's fury was directed not only at the manager but also at him."The black diamond card isa symbol of power, Dave is the president's son, as he said.The manager added. He was trying to let Nelson humble himself, but he wasn't ready for that.Unfazed by Nelson's threats, Dave calmly spoke, his voice steady and resolute."Nelson, your obsession with power and destruction won't get you anywhere. The president's party tonight
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Chapter 9- The Grande Party!
"We have security personnel positioned strategically throughout the premises," the manager explained. "They are aware of Nelson's presence and will be on high alert. Our priority is the safety and well-being of everyone attending the party."Dave nodded, appreciating the manager's proactive approach. He knew that they had to be prepared for any situation that might arise. With the manager's guidance, Dave formulated a plan to subtly gather evidence against Nelson and his connections, intending to expose their illegal activities.As the evening descended, guests began to fill the ballroom, adorned in their finest attire. Dave mingled with the crowd, engaging in conversations and forging connections. He strategically positioned himself to observe Nelson, who seemed determined to make his presence known.Dave caught glimpses of the beautiful girl, Alice, whom he had encountered earlier. He observed her interacting with various influential individuals, showcasing her intelligence and
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Chapter 10- " Wealth over Riches."
Nelson's expression turned serious as he reached for his phone. He quickly dialed Amelia's number, hoping to confirm her presence at the party and relay his message."Hello, Amelia? It's Nelson," he said, his voice firm yet composed. "Are you already at the party? I need to speak with you about something important."Amelia, who was attending the party in a separate area, picked up the call. "Yes, Nelson, I'm here. What's the matter?"Nelson took a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing. "Listen, Amelia, I've just witnessed Dave pulling off his usual tricks with the manager.It's time we put an end to his deceptive ways. When you arrive, I want you to be on your best behavior, but I also want you to observe everything closely."Amelia's curiosity piqued as she listened intently. "What do you have in mind, Nelson?"A determined tone resonated in Nelson's voice as he replied, "I want to expose Dave for who he really is.Let everyone see his true colors. But for that, we need ev
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