Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four : Bullet × Layla

Meanwhile the seven foot man stood unmoving as his partner Snake stared at him before budging him.

"Bullet, which are you taking."

The tall giant pointed at Layla before speaking.

"Probably Rank C or D. and she .." His fingers now on Ivanka "...probably Rank A but most likely Rank S . she gives off the same level of energy essence just like us but, like a little baby."

Ivanka had a bitter smile on her face that screamed : 'You would regret this.' as Bullet continued his explanation.

"And the woman floating alongside that boy and her little abomination is our target. He said pointing at Stephen, Jake and Miss Banbee.

"But before then, let's give them a chance to live ?" Snake eyes said as he cleared his throat and pulled out a parchment from his dimensional storage.

"By the laws of the Witches and Wizards Council, we have been ordered to seize the culprit who goes by Miss Banbee (as of recent) for going against the laws of the society, pertaining to dark magic."

He looked at them s
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