Suprise (?)

Aldebaran looked shocked after hearing all of Michael's words. He had not expected the explanation he had just heard. Then, he looked directly at Alexander with a sharp gaze.

"What Michael said isn't the truth, is it, Alexander? You didn't do anything bad to me, did you?" he asked.

Alexander looked frightened. However, he couldn't lie, because everything Michael said was true.

"I'm sorry, Father. A-"

"Damn it!" cursed Aldebaran immediately. Then, he slapped Alexander across the face.

And Michael smiled as he watched the argument unfold before his eyes.

"I don't have time to watch you argue. So, I will leave now. You can continue arguing after I leave," he said.

With that, Michael turned around and walked out of the room. He pretended to be deaf as Aldebaran shouted his name expectantly.


At Gracia's house.

"Where were you, Rafael? Why are you home so late?" asked Gracia. She immediately welcomed her grandson when she heard the sound of his car.

Michael, who had just entered the house
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