As the soft hues of morning began to seep through the windows, the room, once ablaze with celebration, now held a serene stillness. Jordan and his crew, draped in the comforting shadows of a night well spent, found themselves resting on makeshift seats, their weariness a testament to the battles fought and won.

The sunlight painted a gentle tableau, revealing the subtle lines of fatigue etched on each face. Yet, amidst the quietude, a sense of unity prevailed. Jordan, observing the camaraderie that had evolved in the past hours, felt a renewed purpose bubbling within him. This wasn't just a crew; they were a band of individuals who had weathered storms together and emerged stronger.

Looking at Major, he knew that he had a question to tackle. They looked somehow confused about what to do next, and he knew he owed them an explanation, at least for the sake of their sanity. He remembered how he and Major’s group became participants. Initially, they were just his hired bodyguards, but ove
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