The forest moved to protect its goddess. The tree roots swung at Evangelist who was forced to jump back to avoid being pinned by them. She glared at the woman before her and was concerned about the wound that was closing itself erasing the progress she had made.

Scanning for weaknesses, Evangelist found the weak point in the roots' defenses and darted toward Sing; she maneuvered her body through the opening the roots made and was right in front of Sing again. Her lightning sword raised above her head as she swung down with the intent of separating the goddess into two.

To her shock, the lightning-forged sword dissipated into lightning and it scattered around the trees.

A hand grabbed her throat ignoring the electrocution effect her Thundercat Maiden form induced to anything that touched her. She felt her consciousness start to fade from the lack of oxygen, Evangelist knew she had to get out of the hold before she passed out.

She held Sing's hand with hers and struggled to set hers
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