46: Someone who could help
Leo had returned back to his Hotel room that evening feeling annoyed. Remembering what happened that day always had him fuming up.

He wanted to get back at them. And he was sure he was going to.

At that time, he had also found Mr James familiar. They haven't met before and he didn't even know him by name.

But Leo felt like he had seen him somewhere. And he was right.

As he went back to the Hotel room and refreshed up..he picked up some news papers to see if the news of his company had gone live

Luckily not yet.

But then he saw that picture of Mr James on the news.

It appeared Mr James was a well known Billionaire in his business area. Known for his successful knack on domestic and international business.

He was really a reputable person.

And it occurred to Leo that Mr Ed probably couldn't have pulled all investors to his side alone. He had probably seeked some help from Mr James

And that was how Mr Ed was able to achieve what he had achieved at the moment. He had merely used
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