Chapter 250

Then his mind went to Alice, he came here with her, and she must be waiting for him, but there was little she cay do, Tyler has her under his thumb, whatever feeling she has match for the control Tyler has over her, still he could not go like this, he closed his eyes tight knowing that there was no solution for him to get out no matter how hard he thinks. He could only hope Max or Sarah notices his absence and try to find him as soon as possible.

Unknown to Jake, the plan that Max Sarah and Cassandra had was to track his evrt move and be ready for any eventualities, they knew acting out of line would not favour any of them and whoever was pulling the strings would see them coming, so for a while they pretended like everything was okay, even Sarah stopped coming to the house, but she communicated with the other two through phone calls.

On the day when Alice came to meet Jake to take him to Tyler, Mac had Cassandra put a small tracker in Jake's trouser pocket, they also had someone to
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