The Catastrophe Under The Oak Tree.

Ryker walked leisurely down the street, passing by other pedestrians.

A taxi slowed down beside him, and he looked up, considering whether to board a cab at the spot or walk farther.

Eventually, Ryker waved it down and approached the cab, he opened the car door and was about to sit in,

('Is this not the cab driver the other night?')

He recognized the cab driver that had brought him and his mom from Mallam Kyari's abode two nights ago.

Realizing he didn't like the man.

He retrieved from the vehicle.

"I'm sorry, I won't be going."

He slammed the door shut, before getting back on the pedestrian route.

Ryker, walked a long distance without bothering to board any vehicle, he navigated through some bends towards Ludbriggs' street, taking shortcuts through the alleys.

The alley was narrow, with tall brick walls on either side that seemed to trap the sounds of the city within its confines.

The air was thick with the scent of garbage and decay, making Ryker cover his nose and mouth w
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