Chapter 156

Jack seemed to understand that the girl he liked was currently not on the same page as him so he simply said, "Yes, I'll try to tell grandfather about this."

Annelisse felt that he was changing his mind too quickly and she didn't trust him.

However, Annelisse couldn't possibly confront the young man directly because it might make Jack cover everything up even more so she just nodded, "Alright, then what should I do now?"

Jack gave the girl a sweet smile, "Stay here, enjoy yourself and wait for Gideon to arrive."

Annelisse understood the meaning of the handsome young man's words, "Hm, I see. Wow, I didn't expect that I'd have to act."

Jack looked at the girl with a straight face so Annelise quickly replied, "Hey, I don't have to. Don't worry! It's just that I didn't expect that I'd have to do something like this. If I knew I had to do the fruit of lies then I would have taken an acting class to support what I'm doing."

Jack laughed at the girl's joke. Annelisse might not be good at mak
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