Chapter 176

Seven Years Later -

She ran outside to meet the woman outside. "where's my mom?" She demanded.

"I'm sorry Vida. It's too late. I already sent her to the mortuary!" Lisa said.

Vida felt her legs go weak, then she crashed to the ground.

Mortuary....mortuary....her mother is dead?!

Vida stood in front of her mother's grave. She had a smile plastered on her face. She was trying her best not to cry.

Seven years had already passed just like that. Just like that, it was the seventh year since she got the news of her mother's death.

The world had changed so much in seven years. She felt like she was the only one who was still stuck in the same place.

Vida placed the fresh white lollies on her mother's grave.

"Mom, how have you been doing on that side? Sometimes, I wish that you would hate me. I know that you can't bear to hate me but I'm a terrible daughter. How did I not know that you were sick? Why did I leave for school? Why did I leave you alone?" Vida asked.

This was the thing th
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