Chapter Thirty-Seven

Ralph had finished updating Giant Gerald on the story of his life, from his departure from the slums of Vernice to the present, yet Gerald still couldn't grasp why Ralph was concealing his newfound status—a status many would willingly flaunt.

"I need to prepare myself for public life. It’s not a lifestyle I'm accustomed to. Besides, I want to address my in-laws for treating me like trash all these years. It hasn't been easy living under their roof with my poor condition," Ralph explained, addressing Gerald's lingering question.

"I see. You have a supportive wife," Gerald remarked.

"Yes, but sometimes, she's torn between loyalty to her family and her love for me. I want to provide her with everything, but gradually. Let’s see how well she'll do with her new contract."

"She's beautiful. She'd make a good model," Giant Gerald commended Diana's beauty.

"I know, right. Now, let’s talk about you. Have you been able to come up with any business ideas?" Ralph redirected the conversation to Ge
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