Chapter 166

At that moment, people's gazes, which were originally fixed on the beautiful girl, now simultaneously turned towards Richard Forger. Watching how the girl greeted Richard, some men secretly imagined themselves in Richard's position. A few more seemed to show expressions of envy and annoyance.

Meanwhile, Richard did not give any answer even after the beautiful girl stood less than a meter away from him.

"Mr. Forger, why did you look surprised? Just so you know, I joined this tournament specifically so I could see you again," the girl insisted, as if hoping her confession would make Richard pay a little attention to her.

However, instead of being moved or anything like that, Richard took a deep breath and shook his head. "Unbelievable! Not only did you poison Rowena Roemer to meet me, but now you're also joining a martial arts tournament so you can meet me again? Well, don't be mad if others will call you crazy, Miss Torres."

Ginny Torres coughed while several other men who happened to
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