Chapter 167

The charismatic man who came with dozens of bodyguards had completely captured the attention of the martial arts tournament participants. From the tense expressions on the participants' faces, one could infer that they seemed to feel they would have no chance of besting the charismatic man, no matter how hard they tried.

As the charismatic man entered the technical meeting hall, people's eyes were drawn to him. Without being asked, some people who happened to be near the man seemed to rush away to make a space for the charismatic man who was walking with a group of his men.

Seeing how the participants responded to the charismatic man, the head bodyguard of the man seemed to smile with satisfaction and then muttered, "In the martial arts world, someone with high ability can indeed bring out a dense aura like you, Young Master," the head bodyguard said to the charismatic man. "It's only natural that everyone seems transfixed by your arrival this time."

"Not really. Look at that young gu
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