255. Epilogue.

"Lucas! Lucas!! You'll never guess what doctor Julie told me!"

"Okay." He replied casually and went back to the show he was watching.

"You're supposed to guess." She hit him on the chest.

"But you said I'll never guess what it is."

"You were supposed to be more interested, darn it!"

"Right sorry. What did she say?"

"I'm not telling you anymore." She pouted and folded her arms.

"Aw come on, tell me."


"Come on, okay I'm sorry."

"No. I'm not telling you. You'll have to wait nine months to see for yourself."

She watched eagerly as his face went from confusion to excitement while he did the math. "Nine months- wait, you're pregnant?!"


"Oh my goodness, that's wonderful."

"I know."

"Congratulations to us!"

"Yeah! I'm gonna be a mom… again."

"Come on, let's call the guys so we can celebrate."


"Hey sis,"

"Peter?" Ivy's eyes widened as she saw her brother after all these months.

"Long time no see huh?"

"Oh come here." She pulled him in for a hug. "How've you been?"

"Good, I see
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