Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Seven

"When I tell you that you are crazy, believe me," Lily mumbled.

She rested her head against the headrest and covered her eyes with a sleeping mask.

Marco grunted and did the same, it was going to be a long flight.

Marco and Lily's flight touched down at the bustling airport, and they both let out a sigh of relief.

Stepping off the plane, Marco felt the warm breeze of London enveloping them, and excitement filled his nostrils.

Lily, with a slight yawn, turned to Marco and said, "You know, after this long flight, we should go rest a little before we go to the big house."

Marco, however, seemed hesitant. "I understand that you need rest, Lily, but I need to take care of it now. If we get it done quickly, we can then relax and have a great time leading up to the prom back home."

Lily smiled understandingly, knowing how important it was for him to come here.

"Alright, I get it. Let's do what we need to do first, and then we can enjoy ourselves without any worries."

They collected their
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