The Idea of Marriage

Touring down the Streets of Bergroar, Ruthven was accompanied by two beautiful Maids.

They walked behind as it was clear that they feared something.

Their fear had something to do with the recent event that had just unfolded.


As soon as Everyone left the Orpheus Mansion and entered the city, The princess collapsed.

The reason for her collapsing was unknown, but while she was unconscious, she would constantly mumble strange things.

"What do you mean?....Save me....Bl... Blue-eyed..."

And even if we were Ignoring her words, Panic erupted with fear as it's main source.

They all feared what would happen if the king heard of his daughter collapsing.

It's was known that the King had a fierce temper as such it wouldn't be an exaggeration for him to hold the entire Mansion accountable.

With the fear of losing their lives, Nicholas returned with the princess in hand, and left Elizabeth and Katherine behind with Ruthven.


Now a tense atmosphere surrounded the three as Elizabeth and K
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