Yaritza chuckled and said, "Zachary, this is not a burden for me. It's like seeking advice from a specialist and caring for the patient. It's not troublesome at all."

Zachary was speechless for a while after hearing Yaritza's words, then he finally said, "Don't you feel sorry for yourself? Even if it's just a small wound!"

"I do feel sorry for myself," Yaritza replied, turned back, and lay on the sofa beside the bed.

Zachary became angry, feeling a surge of pain in his leg. He exclaimed, "Tomorrow I will reimburse all your expenses! Sleep! It hurts! The pain made him want to burst. Numbness washed over him, and his temper worsened. He thought about rushing back from a faraway place to see Yaritza, only to end up in bed for months, even years, with his leg injured. He felt even more frustrated and aggrieved, and tears of frustration began to roll down his face. He covered his face with the pillow, not letting Yaritza see his expression. But his sniffling could still be heard even wit
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