A Cloak And A Dagger Symbol

Jordan walked into the hospital, clad in his black suit as usual. He walked towards the tall figure who sat on a chair, a hand supporting his chin.

"I've assigned someone to find out what attacked your father-in-law." Jordan mentioned when he got closer. "I'm sorry such a thing happened, Lord Adair."

"A cloak and a dagger. Have you ever seen anyone with such a symbol before?" Adair asked out of nowhere, the look in his eyes signifying his thoughts were somewhere far away.

Jordan paused for a moment before he shook his head, "I haven't, Lord Adair. But I can ask some people in the military. Or Sister might know something. Do you need me to find out?"

"Yes. Yes, I do." Adair nodded.

Jordan didn't waste any time as he whipped out his phone and placed a call to someone. After a few minutes of talking on the phone, he ended the call and returned back to Adair's side.

"I have people looking into it. They should have something in an hour." He revealed, but Adair merely nodded. Jordan p
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