Chapter 58: It’s a spade not a gardening tool

As Gloria led Yomi into the small living room of the flat, she gestured for him to take a seat on the sofa. To her surprise, Yomi waited for her to have her seat first, and instead of settling on the sofa as expected, he chose the wooden coffee table, positioning himself to face her. The subtle nuances of this action didn't escape Gloria's notice; there was an unspoken dynamic at play.

"How are you?" Yomi inquired, a smirk playing on his face. Gloria, attempting to project an air of calm, replied, "Fine," almost feeling a surprising sense of ease. It seemed as though the encounter might be more straightforward than she had initially thought.

Yomi, maintaining his enigmatic expression, questioned, "What is your name again?" Gloria, momentarily puzzled, deduced that he likely sought her full name. "Gloria Bright," she answered.

"So, I heard things that were unclear to me from Jide," Yomi began, an air of mystery surrounding his words. "You went to Jide because

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