Chapter 1106
Hansley sighed. "I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I'm telling the truth. There's nothing I can do if you don't trust me."

Darius put his hands behind his back and nodded. "I understand. Now, I want to know why I could see my father's shadow in you. I don't remember anything about him. After all, I was an infant when he died. But when I saw him earlier, I instantly knew it was him."

Hansley looked at him helplessly. "Darius, you're an enlightened martial artist. You should trust your instincts. If they're telling you that shadow belonged to your father, you know it has to be true!"

Darius' expression darkened. He looked at Hansley silently. Hansley said, "I know what you're mad about, but it's not something you need to consider. When I was merging with my body, I don't know which part belonged to whom. I believe your father had to go through many rounds of experimenting to become what he is now."

Darius' breathing sped up again. Hansley exhaled and said, "Your anger makes me
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